Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Well yeah... you got the idea about that whole coming home thing invisible. Honestly enough about that. It freaked the living daylights out of my parents and they are still having panic attacks over it... I emailed my professors at school that I ain't coming in for a week because I've contract a rare form of flu... my parents are still trying to cope with the fact they see through me... my dad isn't handling it very well, but my mom seems to be getting in touch with it... they've already given me a speach about having to wear clothes despite the fact you can't see me... I think more than just decency they're thinking I'll

a) get sicker (in the event I really do have a rare flu)
b) they don't want me sneaking around on them
c) they don't want me to be embarassed if I suddenly turn visible again
d) they won't be able to cope with the scare if my organs turn visible
e) all of the above

I have to say all of those are pretty valid reasons for wearing clothes even if one is very invisible.

It's really strange how they are coping with having guests over... they lock them in a room and tell them not to come out until they say its alright... oh wait... that's what they've been telling me... hahaha... I actually did try a shot at sneaking around. I ROYALLY freaked Hube (our cat). It sat there hissing and growling at me. Pastor Winden was definitly scared at the fact he heard chuckling behind him but couldn't see anyone. I finally kicked the cat to try and shut it up... bad move... it flew onto my arm and I wiggled it around in the air for a few seconds before it let loose and landed on Pastor Winden's whig... yeah... we found out he ain't as youthful as he looked. Poor guy... those were pretty interesting marks the cat left on him...

So like that was day one of being invisible... now I'm on night two... Mia called... ugh... I have NO idea how I'm going to explain to her this. Why couldn't this have happened AFTER I got the nerve to ask her out? I mean I was planning on doing it next week! Okay... maybe not NEXT, NEXT week... but I planned on doing it this month... this year... okay... maybe I wasn't... but now I can't even see her! And if you think THAT is bad she can't even see me! LITERALLY.

I dunno what I'm going to do... my dad wants to take me to the university and have his friends in the science department run some tests on me... I've been fighting the idea. I don't want to be turned into some experiment for some science nerd that wants an A+ for discovering a freak of nature.

This is getting SO FRUSTERATING!!! I'm invisible! I'm SEE THROUGH! TRANSPARENT! I make a better window than a door! How many other ways can I say it?! Who can I ask about THIS problem?

"Yo, dad... what was it like when you went through your invisible phase?"... Do I look up self help books at the library on how to cope with transperancy?...

I gotta go get some sleep... if I can... didn't last night...

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Where to start...?

hey there... um... yeah... where to start... I guess I should probably tell you who I am... well, I'll go with an alias... The last thing I need is a media circus at my front door.... Charles Vandgerguildenhausen the Fifth... NO... um... Bob Frankfort... Keenan Kylestone... um... geez... I'm horrible at this... Koden Montana!... yes... I know... it sounds like I'm a cowboy ( :-P LOL)... but yeah... I feel adventurous today.

So let's see... um... I'm 19, I live somewhere in Michigan, USA (that's that little mitten on the globe in mid-Northamerica). I live kind of on the outskirts of suburbia... it ain't very urban. Lots of trees, cows, and horses... corn... but really we aren't that far from anything civilized. It's only a 20 minute drive to the nearest mall. So it's kind of like a nice alternative. No traffic. No skyscrapers... cows... okay... not too thrilled about the cows... but its like... peaceful. At least most of the time. But at the same time I'm only like 20 minutes away from the nearest electronics store. So it's pretty rockin'.

Why am I writing this? (I'm asking myself)... Um... to be honest. I dunno. It think it has something to do with the fact I can't see my feet. AND I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING! NO! I'm fit... I just literally can't see my feet. I'm not blind... just I'm like... not apparent? Um... I guess you'd say... er... :-\... invisible?

Hahaha yeah... that's what I said when my parents screamed in horror when I walked in the front door. Don't ask me how it happened, because if I knew I'd be paying some freak scientists a visit... I must have been bitten by a radioactive worm or something or maybe somebody spiked my Pepsi with krypotnite. I seriously don't know how on earth it happened. Maybe I didn't eat enough carrots... or... well yeah you don't believe me so it doesn't matter.

Let's just work on the assumption that maybe I'm some lunatic... humor me here. I'm invisible (man... how would you know? You can't see me)... So just deal with it... Thanks :-)

So where was I? Yes... I walked in after getting home from work and my parents freaked out because they said something was wrong with my face. I took of my ski mask (I was working outside in the freezing cold... I shovel driveways and help plow private roads with my pickup... it has one of those shovel thingies on the front) and looked in the mirror... at that point my dad fell back into his recliner and my mom was screaming like the hordes of hell had been unleashed... what did I see? Nothing but my coat hanging in the air with a hat on top.

What did I do? I broke out laughing hysterically. I told my parents "funny trick" and then asked them how they did it. I figured the "mirror" was a new plasma screen TV and my dad had some of the A/V guys at the university make a funny little movie of me invisible... yeah... that was all farfetched... but of course it was more believable than being invisible... yeah...

Anyways... I gotta go get some smelling salts for my dad again... I'll post more later...

The Beginning

This is just a short introduction to this story to fill some space. Really it's just a test to see if the blog is working and all.

I don't really know where this idea came from. I was just thinking of content for my site The Matthew and the idea just popped into mind. A regularly updated blog that'd be from the perspective of an invisible man.

I must admit that the perspective is not completely fictional, because often times I feel like the world does treat me as invisible. I also admit that a lot of this is taken from a creative license and is from no personal experience whatsoever. The main reason for this blog exististing is pure entertainment. I like writing. I want to entertain people with my writing. But also in the corner of my mind I hope to open up people's minds to the world, and more importantly, the people around them.

I hope that by reading this you not only get a few laughs, cries, and screams (of all types), but also that you, personally, don't let the visible become invisible.

Also, I want to put a BIG THANK YOU! on here for Deanna who thought up the "Footsteps Unaware" part of this title. Thanks :-)