Tuesday, October 26, 2004

You've Got Mail!

Okay, I was surprised to see that people were actually reading about my plight. In fact, some believed me! Whoa! I guess anything can be made believable on the Internet. Well yes, fokes, I really AM invisible. On the other hand some stinkin' punk got really cocky and well...ha...I sent him an empty envelope telling him it was my guts...ahahahaha... oh my... that was so funny...sorry... unobservable humanoid humor.

Anyways, I'm going to answer a couple of interesting emails...stupid punks...I'll send Sperk to one of them sometime...hmm...an invisible cat...there is a goal to work for...

>> Ted from Trenton, NJ writes... <<
>> Dude. How could you like, dude, type, dude invisible, like, dude? You said, dude, that like, dude, you could, dude, couldn't put your clothes on or eat well dude. So like, dude, how do you like, dude, see your fingers to like, dude, type on da keyboard, dude? <<

[My Reply: Well Ted Dude...once you've been typing for years you get a hang for it. I don't really look at the keyboard all that much in the first place so not being able to see my hands was an easy hurtle to leap...like dude.]

>> Marie from Nowhere <<
>> Hey, Kaden. Why do you pick on Sperk so much? He's like a really cute little kitty from what I've heard and you just seem to torture him. Shouldn't you be using your invisible powers for good? Not evil? <<

[My Reply: Well Marie...Have you ever considered that maybe Sperk is a wolf in sheep's clothing?! Er... Well you get the point! How do you know Sperk is so innocent? How do you know it's not his fault he's used as the comic relief in my life?! It's all his fault!!! He's an evil cat that is attempting to take over the universe. He's an ALIEN cat. Hence his greenness (DO NOT READ PRIOR POST. I swear. I didn't color him green with body paint)...... now that I'm done with my sarcasm let me explain. Sperk is a cool, but annoying little dude. He just ASKS for me to do things to him. I love him. Honestly, I love him more than I torture him. He like expects me to torture him. How can I resist?]

Okay, that's it for now...eeek... blue body paint on the keyboard! Not to self...gloves. Man I'm going to look like Blue Man genetically fused with Mickey Mouse after I'm done... eek...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Blue Man Group

So the body paint experiment has been interesting. I decided an ENTIRE covering of the body wasn't need. Just like my legs and arms and feet and neck and face. I look like one of those freaky dudes from the Blue Man Group. I have an American flag bandana over my head and some low profile black sunglasses. I decided the usual stereotypical glasses would be a dead giveaway so I went for narrower. I think my friends will buy into the quarter-life crisis story...yeah...like pre-midlife crisis. Get it? Yeah...good luck there.

Sperk, oh my goodness. You should have seen that calico cats face when my blue face emerged from my room. My mom really cried seeing me again. She missed my face...even if it was now blue. My dad smiled and said the trip to that quote, "weird store with those funky haired punks was well worth it", unquote.

I must admit I'm kind of bummed. I can't run around or anything. Too much sweating will cause it all to come off. I also have to be careful that these glasses don't fall off or they'll be quite a few freaked out people. In general, this is so I can go to church and walk around in lightly populated areas...not normal life...but at least it's some of life back.

I'm thinking of going to see Mia. Though she'll freak with the new look. Oh well. I'll explain to her its a treatment for a horrible skin rash. That'll work! HA!

So being invisible isn't half bad. Now I just look like a European band groupie wanna be. Just need to perfect my PVC pipe playing skills and freaky looks.

I'm the dude in the middle! W00t!!! Don't I look sexy? Erm...no. But hey, at least I'm not a "little green man". Dad got green...*snickers* Sperk ain't calico anymore....